Monday, 13 August 2012

What sort of sad sicko am I?

Still not on Facebook.

According to Catherine Bennett in yesterday’s Observer, “avoiders could soon, if they are not already, be regarded as eccentric "ghosts", loners or privacy fetishists” - to be fair, she specifies “young” avoiders, and I can’t claim to be in that category, although she does use her/my title as a generalisation for all.  But I can’t see the point of Facebook.

I use social media, just not Facebook.  I can’t delete it from my smartphone (HTC, using Google Android apps) because it appears to be built-in, which means I’m constantly deleting offers of updates; oddly, it’s not built-in to my iPad3, nor, of course, my Microsoft laptop – see how ecumenical my technology choices are?  I take part in online discussions on sites like YouTube and IMDB.  I’ve been posting on football fan sites for a decade, and the best days of that are over, IMHO (see, I’ve got all the jargon – “In My Humble Opinion”, if you didn’t know), essentially because every terracing lout now has a laptop and broadband.  I was an early adopter of Friends Reunited, over a decade ago, but I haven’t bought into any social media craze since then.

I’ve blogged before that the arcs of Friend Reunited, MySpace, and BEBO are there for all to see, and to foresee the inevitable eclipse of Facebook.

I use LinkedIn and Twitter for work, and this also comes under scrutiny in Bennett’s article, as the loathsomely smug Marc Zuckerberg opines that “The days of you having a different image for your work friends and co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly”.  Not only do I maintain different images, I am resolute in keeping those identities apart – why on earth would my clients for learning evaluation be interested in my opinions on films, football and music?  And why on earth should my fellow football fans be bored, as they certainly would be, by my work stuff?

I understand B2C businesses using Facebook, but mine is B2B, and LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogger and YouTube give us (the corporate plural, not more schizophrenia) everything we need.

I hope this blog post demonstrates that my facing away from Facebook is not through any lack of authenticity, nor lack of social media/communication skills.  I remain fascinated by what’s coming next, because the replacement for Facebook is surely just around the corner.


Helen said...

Hello Ken

Thanks for your post. I wouldn't say that anyone not on Facebook is a sad sicko. If anything, the only reason I'm holding onto my account is that it is the only way to connect with my family and friends because they no longer answer emails! It's quicker to get a response from them on Facebook than send them an email.

I also agree with keeping your 'personalities' separate and I too, have different Twitter accounts for my profession and another one for my own interests and social connections. At times, it does get difficult to draw the line and I'm continually swapping between one account to another. Social media has made our lives a tad busier I believe, simply because of the many programs but I'm dealing with this through selecting the few that I use frequently and consistently and sticking with those.

Thanks for your post!



Unknown said...

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work for the benefit of the world,s people.Have a very nice day media craze